Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sep. meeting

Hello Girls, 

We all have to love the rain even though it curbs our activities.

I have looked at my flower garden and can't find many flowers to put into the fair this year.

Thanks to all who responded re the Sept 9th luncheon at my house. We have been able get to have a fellow member "Irene" from Wakefield area come to our meeting to demonstrate Nordic walking poles. So it is not to late to respond, asap, if you have not had a chance to do so . 

On another note we are having a booth at the fair so again try and find us I think we are in the Ag hall !

Tina and I are very excited about our children's book,  "Fang- Grandma's Prize Cat!"  has finally arrived and we will be autographing books at our booth at the fair. The book is only $10.00. It will be a perfect gift for a grandchild!
It is based on a true story and includes  Shawville places such as the fair, hospital, Equity.

See you at the Fair!

Fitfully Yours,

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Simplicity, work and enjoyment.... What else can you ask for? 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Here is the latest winner list for the Bracelet Letters:

(Congrats to these Feel Fit girls!!)



Marcella Hortie
Monique Donnelly, Paulette Lamothe, and Marie Stewart
Shirley Cummings, Lucy Imbleau, Shirley Kucharik & Kay Ranger
Muriel Davies, Joan Derouin, Monica Dodson, Carmen Griffith, Lise Lemaire, Jean Ryan, and Marilyn Tanguay

Well done, girls!! Give yourselves a pat on the back for staying active, healthy and well!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hike Mont O'Brien

Hello Girls,

Last fall some of us went on a lovely hike to Mont O'Brien with Paula Armstrong as our guide.
Paula is quite willing to take us on another hike on Tues. May 8th..
We could meet at my house for 9:00am and car pool from here. Bring your lunch as we can eat at the top of the mountain. The hike is not hard if you take your time (approximately 3 km.)
The day is free except for a small donation to the Mont O'Brien organization (which helps maintain the trails).

Please let me know if you are planning on coming to this hike.

Also our next "Feel Fit' meeting after the Women's Wellness Day will be on May 10th.

Fitfully Yours,

Monday, March 26, 2012

A challenge!

Hello Girls,
We have been extremely blessed to have such lovely weather this month and I know many were outside enjoying it. In fact after our inspiring meeting and talk about the life changing weight loss story by Louise Murdock at our last "Feel Fit" meeting we went for a walk around town. In the sun the temperature was 33c, hard to believe for Mar. 18th. Louise deserves much admiration for her continued fitness journey and maintaining a 75lb weight loss for well over 3 years!
We have a very dedicated group who received letters for the bracelet campaign. The second "F" winners are Lise Lamaire, Carmen Griffith, Tina Michaud, Diane Carmichael, Monica Dodson, Marilyn Tanguay, Joan Derouin Jean Ryan.
The second "E" winners are Pauline Croteau, Monique Donnelly (who we all send good healing wishes to) and Marie Stewart.
Letter "L" winners are Lucy Imbleau, Carol Mathers and Shirley Kucharik
First "F" winners are Marcella Hortie and Rhonda Morrison. Congratulations to all you hard working gals!
I hope I did not leave anyone out. Please let me know if you were omitted.
The Canadian Fitness Institute recommends we have 130 minutes of aerobic type exercise a week. Are you meeting that recommendation?
It is a challenge that we meet this in one to two months time. By simply writing down the minutes you plan to be physically active before you do the activity.
If we plan and plan correctly by writing down a specific plan we are much more apt to meet the recommended requirement. I stress you start slowly and build up 5 mins more a day each week. eg If you are just returning to exercise after a break
week one walk briskly for 10 mins 4x a week
week 2 walk briskly 15 mins 4xs a week
week 3 walk briskly 20 xs a week
week 4 walk briskly 25 xs a week
As well as walking briskly it is recommended by Fitness guidelines we stretch or use weight resistance to maintain muscle mass 2 xs a week..
I challenge you to follow this simple plan and write it down before and check it off after you complete the activity. You will receive satisfaction from simply checking off your goals.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Women's Wellness Day, April 21st at the Bristol Town Hall.
There is a small number of tickets left if you have not received yours yet. Cost $32.00.
Let us keep a few members in our thoughts and send them positive energy this Monday as both Margaret and Bernadette are having surgery.
Good health and much happiness to all!
Fitfully Yours,
PS A few more spots available for the Yoga Retreat, June 18-21 in Alexandria. contact me for more info.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Meeting this week~

Hello Girls,
This is an important reminder about the next "Feel FIt" meeting at the Cafe this Sunday Mar. 18th. We will have lunch and Louise speaking about her weight loss and yoga at Studio nn322 afterwards. Please let us kow if you are attending asap.
Also the Red Hatters and Feel Fit are getting together for a funday of curling and cards on \|Mar. 21st. If you are planning to arttend we need to know by Mar. 16trh. Contact Monica Dodson at Monicad@storm.ca and confirm.
Hope to see you all on the 18th.
Also see attached flyer re Julia's spring program and don't forget to regiister for Spring Yoga at Studio 322 commencing the last week of March. for 8 weeks. Or join our classes at my house.
Thanks to all who have committed to the Yoga Retreat I am looking forward to sharing very rewarding experience with all of you.
Fitfully Yours,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

See you this Sunday!

Hello Everyone,
The weather certainly has been wonderful the past week or two allowing many outside activities. I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the mild temps.
Thanks for responding re our meeting at the Cafe at 12:30 this Sunday. If you are working on your letter for the bracelet please bring your chart with the activities filled out. I will be checking them at the door.
I have been able to do sme good downhill skiing lately and have thourghly enjoyed myself.
I also want to say a big congratulations to the girls responsible for today Women's Institue Day. Another well organized day and the food was wonderful. Thanks Margaret, Helen and Elaine for your contribution to making the day a success.
I am still organizing a Yoga retreat at the Salom House in Alexandria for June 18-21st. We still need more committed people to make our numbers. The day will have 1-2 gentle yoga classes and some positive psycology workshops. You will also have free time and very good meals all for $200.00. This retreat will be a perfect start for an energized summer!
Fitfully Yours,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Golf Tournament on Snow

Hello Femme Feel Fit,
Connie has asked me to send this info on regarding the Winter Carnival sponsered by "Ski Pontiac"
On Sat. Feb. 11 between 10-3pm at Pine Loodge (6 Pine Lodge Rd.)
Golf Tournament on Snow
Bring your own creative club (ie broom, stick, wooden paddle etc)
Also snowshoe the trails with Pure Life Adventures, (snow shoes will be available)
Food & drinks available at Pine Lodge all day!
Sounds like fun come out and enjoy yourself!!
Helen Routliffe would like any interested curlers to contact her ASAP re Mon evening curling from 6-8pm.
Helen's email is h.routliffe@sympatico
Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful day!

Membership 2012-2013

Hello Ladies,

I hope you are all well on this beautiful Sat. evening. I am sitting
at home and not able to join in the moonlight ski as I have a husband
who had a very nasty fall and a buise that is the mother of all
bruises. It goes down his left side right to his ankle. He is a good
patient. Thank goodness!
I also am home because of a nasty sinus infection. I fortunately am on
antibiotics and will no doubt be as good as new in a few days. I wish
I could say the same for hubby!

Now our next meeting is on Feb. 19th and thanks to those who have
responded. We are going to be selling memberships for the following
year. The cost will be $10.00 same as previous years.

Also our Women's Wellness Day will be April 21st, tickets will be sold
for that day as well on the 19th. Please reserve your ticket early as
we sale out quickly. Our 3 speakers this year are on

Audiology Topic "What You Always wanted to Know but never Asked"
presenter Sohie Wardeel

Personal Trainer Topic" Eat More, Weigh Less, Feel Fit!" presenter
Nathalie Markoff

Musical Motivator "Living, Tomorrow, Today!" presenter Carla Beck-
(Music to Your Ears Power to Your Life) Carla is also known as "The
Canadian Girl" look her up on the internet.

We are very happy to be at the Bristol Town Hall for our Day of
Women's Wellness.
This day will also be a Celebration of our 3rd Feel Fit Year. We will
be recognizing Bracelet letter winners. Please email me if you are
qualifying for a letter in advance.

We also are looking at developiing a new core group to help with
planning etc for meetings. If you are interested please let me know.
New and fresh ideas are always welcome.

Deb Powell a Feel Fit member will help start a race walking group in
the spring. Let her know if you are interested.
Deb also mentioned another hike to Mont O'Brien around the 8th of May
before the bugs get out. Interested?? I would also like to see a
hiking club meet every Wed.am to go on a hike to Gatineau Park or on
the railroad bed or some exquiste area.

You will notice that I am calling you "Feel Fit Ladies" and that is
because the girls were called that at Community Curling Bonspiel. I
like the sound of ladies better than girls. What do you think??
The curling ladies did a fine job and we should be proud of their
effort. Now speaking of Curling The Red Hatters are having a fun day
at the Curling rink on March 21st. They would like us to join them
starting with lunch ($5.00) and an afternoon of fun curling.

I have been reading some good books lately and one is on "Well Being".
It states in the book that
"Other people are the best antidote to the downs of life and the
single most reliable up."

So on that note I will end and ask you to bring a friend to our next
meeting or call a member you know that has not been out in awhile .
You may be the "other people" in their life that get them back on
track. Emmotionall Fitness is an importamt part of "Feeling Fit!"
Every time you feel joy it is with "other people"
I hope "Feel Fit" can bring some joy into your life. Remember we need
you and you might need us! Josee Gravelline is our speaker she works
at Studio 332 and does Turbo Jam and Boot Camp.

Somewhat Fitfull"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2012 Membership

Hello All,

I just got back from the Curling rink and was very proud of our Feel
Fit team. They lost their game tonight but are in third place in their
division. Wed. at 7:00 is their last game so come out and cheer them
on! They are the best looking team with their pretty pink coats!

This Thursday we are having a planning meeting for our "Feel Fit"
organization. If you would like to join us please feel free. The
meeting is at 11:45 at my house and please bring a bag lunch.

If you can not attend and have some ideas for our group please send
them to me via email. We are open to all suggestions.

Thanks for responding for the yoga retreat our numbers are now 6. We
need approximately 20 to make this happen.

Also please rrespond if you are coming to the nxt Feel Fit meeting
Feb. 19th at the Cafe, 12:30.

Fitfully Yours,

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Relay for Life 2012

Dear Feel Fit Members,

Would you like to join the team of Feel Fit for the Relay for Life?
When: June the 2nd from 7pm to 7 am. at the Shawville Fairgrounds
What does it involve? There is a 10$ fee for registering and then you
must raise a minimum of 100$.
In theory the team of minimum 10 makes sure that one person of the
team is walking all through the night. It certainly does not mean
that you are walking all night and a few cannot stay all night.
Certainly a wonderful experience and challenge!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012-2013 planning

Hello Girls,

We must speak to the right weather people and change this rainy
weather. Not good for our ski trails! No matter, dust of your tread
mill or head down to the gym and keep active. Better still plan a trip
south and be able to walk without falling! How about trying a yoga
or zumba class. There are still ways to keep active just doing the
laundry and vacuuming is good as well but maybe not as much fun.

We are planning for Feel Fit 2012-13 membership cards. Please respond
if you use your discounts given to 2nd and 3rd year members.
We may not bother with this part of the membership if people are not
using the discounts.

If I do not hear from you by Jan. 30, I will assume you do not use
your discount.

We are also looking into a Yoga retreat to Alexander, Ont. June 18-21
Mon.-Thursday. The quilters have gone to this faculity and enjoyed the
low cost and food. Our retreat would be 3 nights and we would do yoga
one or two sessions per day. We would also have a meditation time and
free time.
Let me know if you are interested in this. ASAP! We would need
aproximately 20 girls to get this facility. I understand it would not
cost much more than $200.00 for everything food, yoga and lodging and
taxes& tip.
An excellent deal for three nights with yoga (taught by Muriel) and
the food is very good.

Fitfully Yours,

PS Please let me know if you are attending Feb. 19th's meeting before Feb.11th.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Feb 19 meeting

or Hello Girls,

Our next Feel Fit meeting will be Sun. Feb. 19th at the Cafe (12:30pm)
Please note the change as it was originally booked for Feb. 12th.
We have Josee Graveline, a turbo jam and boot camp fitness trainer
speaking to us on the program she offers at the Sttudio 332.
Keep working on your goals and enjoy this balmy weather!
Thanks to the girls who came for the Day of Yoga, Lunch, and a Facial!
We had a great time and they left looking radiant!
The curling is going on and we still have room for more members to
help put in a second team for the Community bonspiel.
Don't forget the Ski Pontiac and Bristol Carnival activities on Feb 11
and 12. Look for postures for more info or call Connie.

Keep on keeping on!
Stay healthy and feel fit!

Fitfully Yours,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

this Sunday with Zumba Fitness

How has everybody's new been so far?

Picture where you want to be in 2013 (this time next year) and set up a plan and have good intentions.
You will be surprised at how well this works.
Even if you stray from your plan you always come back to it at some point because you had good intentions!
Don't forget to join us this Sunday with Zumba fitness.

As you are aware Dr Isabelle lost her home to a fire couple days ago. We are going to collect donations on Sunday at the "Feel Fit" meeting. If you would like to donate please drop of your donation to a member who is attending the meeting or come to the Cafe at 12:30 on Sunday and drop it off.
Thank you and let us send Isabelle our care and concern.

Hope to see you all on Sunday!