Monday, March 26, 2012

A challenge!

Hello Girls,
We have been extremely blessed to have such lovely weather this month and I know many were outside enjoying it. In fact after our inspiring meeting and talk about the life changing weight loss story by Louise Murdock at our last "Feel Fit" meeting we went for a walk around town. In the sun the temperature was 33c, hard to believe for Mar. 18th. Louise deserves much admiration for her continued fitness journey and maintaining a 75lb weight loss for well over 3 years!
We have a very dedicated group who received letters for the bracelet campaign. The second "F" winners are Lise Lamaire, Carmen Griffith, Tina Michaud, Diane Carmichael, Monica Dodson, Marilyn Tanguay, Joan Derouin Jean Ryan.
The second "E" winners are Pauline Croteau, Monique Donnelly (who we all send good healing wishes to) and Marie Stewart.
Letter "L" winners are Lucy Imbleau, Carol Mathers and Shirley Kucharik
First "F" winners are Marcella Hortie and Rhonda Morrison. Congratulations to all you hard working gals!
I hope I did not leave anyone out. Please let me know if you were omitted.
The Canadian Fitness Institute recommends we have 130 minutes of aerobic type exercise a week. Are you meeting that recommendation?
It is a challenge that we meet this in one to two months time. By simply writing down the minutes you plan to be physically active before you do the activity.
If we plan and plan correctly by writing down a specific plan we are much more apt to meet the recommended requirement. I stress you start slowly and build up 5 mins more a day each week. eg If you are just returning to exercise after a break
week one walk briskly for 10 mins 4x a week
week 2 walk briskly 15 mins 4xs a week
week 3 walk briskly 20 xs a week
week 4 walk briskly 25 xs a week
As well as walking briskly it is recommended by Fitness guidelines we stretch or use weight resistance to maintain muscle mass 2 xs a week..
I challenge you to follow this simple plan and write it down before and check it off after you complete the activity. You will receive satisfaction from simply checking off your goals.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Women's Wellness Day, April 21st at the Bristol Town Hall.
There is a small number of tickets left if you have not received yours yet. Cost $32.00.
Let us keep a few members in our thoughts and send them positive energy this Monday as both Margaret and Bernadette are having surgery.
Good health and much happiness to all!
Fitfully Yours,
PS A few more spots available for the Yoga Retreat, June 18-21 in Alexandria. contact me for more info.

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