Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Letter from Muriel

Hello everyone,

Our Oct. 3rd meeting was very pleasant. We are pleased to introduce 6 new members: (Names deleted). Welcome to our group and we know you will improve your health by becoming more fit. . However you must do a few things such as writing down your goals and putting up the 6 week calendar in a visible spot. Do not start of over the top with your fitness routine. Make doable goals! You will be surprised how these few things can keep you focused. Also you can check out the website You can view the SMART goals on the power point on the site. Plan to attend as many meetings as possible to help encourage others.

We had a wonderful turn out for our Oct 3rd meeting. The cafe put on a wonderful lunch and our speaker Sara Dubeau was perfect. The topic of homeopathy is very intriguing and Sara just opened the door for many more questions on the topic.

Our visit to the gym and spa was also informative. Good luck to all the new members at the gym. Remember a gym is only as good as the people who go to it. So make the most of your membership go often. Also I am teaching yoga at 8:00 on Wed. at the new gym. I will be also continuing to have my own classes at my house.

We have a new member looking to buddy up with someone who does not have a buddy. Let me know if you would like to keep in touch with a young new member.
In the mean time stay fit, stand tall and stay healthy. I am going out for a walk in the much appreciated sunshine.

Next meeting is Nov. 14th. 12:30 pm. we will let you know details shortly.

Fitfully Yours,