Monday, May 9, 2011

A letter from Muriel

Hello Girls,

I hope you are all feeling fit in this wonderful weather.
Well surely it will get warmer and stay sunny for a few days.
I was just reading an article about goal setting and it said if our intention is good then we will eventually get results.
So I know all of you have the very best of intentions to get fit. Please be sure to get your buddy and work out a detailed plan of your fitness regime. I always say to start with goals you can accomplish. Break the activity down and always have a plan B in case plan A does not work out. (ie what will we do instead of walking if it rains)
Spring is a busy time for golfers and gardens. So remember every ten minutes of activy counts, so be sure to put all this down on your calendar.
Our next meeting is MAY 29TH AT THE CAFE. (12:30AM) We are planning to have an activity which will be announced shortly.
As I was cleaning up some of my paper clutter when I found these quotes but am not sure who wrote them:

A vigorous 5 mile walk will do more for an unhappy but otherwise healty adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.


Money is the most envied but the least enjoyed.
Health is the most enjoyed but the least envied.

To Feel Fit as a fiddle,
You must tone down your middle.

Have a good day and let me know if you are attending the lunch at the Cafe on May 29th.

Somewhat Fit,

P.S. Line dancing starts at Coronation Hall May 18th Wed. or Friday Call 819-647-2547 to register.

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