Monday, December 16, 2013

Well today is day 16 of my detox and I am proud of my accomplishments. Apart from a rare lick of honey on a spoon I have stayed away from sugar and I guess honey is not so bad, a pure and natural sweetener.
This weekend was a bit of a challenge for the detox as we were away with our Grandson over night Sat. in the city. I managed with the help of Alex who found me gluten free sodium filled chips in the vending machine at the hockey rink. Going out to eat with family is fun but you do not eat as well as at home. Never sure of how much GM food I am consuming?? or how many additives either??

I do notice results and according to Audrey I did not cough until the very end of my yoga class last Tuesday evening. Now the downside of feeling so clear of sinus issues is that I neglected to get up and take my asthma puffers after lying down Sat evening. I am obviously coughing a lot more . I have learned my lesson no matter how tired I am I must get up and take my medication.

Eventually I might not have to take my meds but that might be a long way off. I am very optimistic and am trying to visualize perfect health.

As well as feeling clearer I  have lost weight which is a plus and a boost.

Today the yoga girls had a pot luck after yoga we ate very healthy foods. I made a quinoa salad with Thai peanut sauce.
I did not make a Christmas cake this year as the fruit is loaded with sugar. I am taking this very seriously! I remember my dear friend Patsy going to a nutritionist and telling me cancer loves sugar!! After reading Susanne Somers book, "Knockout" this fall I realize how important food and diet are in maintaining good health.

So now the Christmas season is here and I must be strong and maintain this healthy goal which I have set for myself. It really isn't so hard as I have committed myself to it!

Only 74 more days! After that who knows what I'll eat. I'll keep periodically posting so keep following.

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