Monday, March 12, 2012

Meeting this week~

Hello Girls,
This is an important reminder about the next "Feel FIt" meeting at the Cafe this Sunday Mar. 18th. We will have lunch and Louise speaking about her weight loss and yoga at Studio nn322 afterwards. Please let us kow if you are attending asap.
Also the Red Hatters and Feel Fit are getting together for a funday of curling and cards on \|Mar. 21st. If you are planning to arttend we need to know by Mar. 16trh. Contact Monica Dodson at and confirm.
Hope to see you all on the 18th.
Also see attached flyer re Julia's spring program and don't forget to regiister for Spring Yoga at Studio 322 commencing the last week of March. for 8 weeks. Or join our classes at my house.
Thanks to all who have committed to the Yoga Retreat I am looking forward to sharing very rewarding experience with all of you.
Fitfully Yours,

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