Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hello Girls,

We had a wonderful turn out Sunday for our Nov. 8th meeting. Thank you all for coming and a big thank you to Rhonda and Debra for contributing to our day. Rhonda has done a remarkable feat (lost 102 pounds and is in great shape.) Her story surely will inspire us all to work harder at staying fit. Deb did a fantastic job informing us and demonstrating the technique of race walking. Keep your ears pealed to hearing more about this activity.
We have a new member from the Luskville area, we welcome Margaret Little to our group. Margaret is a friend of Wendy's and mother of three busy children. We hope you reach your goals and have success with our program. We have 113 memberships paid for this year! We are growing!
Congratulations to all the bracelet letter winners, we now have 37 members on the campaign!
Also 5 members have joined the bracelet campaign: they are Myrna Palmer, Darlene Murphy, Marcella Hortie, Monique Donnelly and Pauline Croteau. You are joining a very special group and make the most of this incentive program to achieve your desired goal.
Members who received their letter "F" for six weeks of goal accomplishments are Shirley Cummings, Trudy Drummond, Sue Villeneuve, Shirley Kucharik, Carol Mathers, Diane Carmichael, Lucy Imbleau, Eva Griffin and PauletteLamonthe . Congratulation to you all. Now too recommit for the next 8 weeks.
Members who have received their "E" and therefore have had twelve weeks of Fitness accomplishments are Joan Derouin, Monica Dobson, Kay Ranger, Georgette Robitaille, Jean Ryan, Lise Lemaire, Marilyn Tanguay! You girls are on a winning streak for your health! Everyday research is proving that being positive and physically fit are the keys to staying healthy.
I am very pleased to hear the girls stories about how they keep going. It is much better to be fit than weigh a certain number on a scale. Being fit adds to your lifespan. (from the book "The Blue Zones")
Be mindful of what we eat our the holiday season but if you eat more than you should get out for a longer walk, ski or snow shoe than you would usually do.
Our next meeting well be Jan. 8th at the Cafe (12:30)
After the lunch we will walk to Studio by Design and enjoy Zumba with Julia. It is just a short walk away. Please let me know by Dec. 31st if you plan to attend.
Please send our healing energy to our members Brenda and Glenda.

Fitfully Yours,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

See you on Sunday!

The weather been great for outside work and I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy getting fit in the beautiful sunshine.
Thanks to all who responded for Sunday for our day at the Norway Bay Golf course. We have two speakers lined up for the afternoon. Both are from our membership and I am excited to hear Rhonda's story of her weight loss and fitness journey. She has done remarkably well this past year!
The other speaker is a new member, Debra Powell who has been record breaking race walker. She will be explaining the tecnique of race walking and allowing us to demonstrate the skill.
Looking forward to seeing you at 12:30am. Lunch will be served shortly after your arrival.
Fitfully Yours,
Also if you wish to attend the dog races they will be ging on sunday as well after our day.