Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Relay for Life 2012

Dear Feel Fit Members,

Would you like to join the team of Feel Fit for the Relay for Life?
When: June the 2nd from 7pm to 7 am. at the Shawville Fairgrounds
What does it involve? There is a 10$ fee for registering and then you
must raise a minimum of 100$.
In theory the team of minimum 10 makes sure that one person of the
team is walking all through the night. It certainly does not mean
that you are walking all night and a few cannot stay all night.
Certainly a wonderful experience and challenge!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012-2013 planning

Hello Girls,

We must speak to the right weather people and change this rainy
weather. Not good for our ski trails! No matter, dust of your tread
mill or head down to the gym and keep active. Better still plan a trip
south and be able to walk without falling! How about trying a yoga
or zumba class. There are still ways to keep active just doing the
laundry and vacuuming is good as well but maybe not as much fun.

We are planning for Feel Fit 2012-13 membership cards. Please respond
if you use your discounts given to 2nd and 3rd year members.
We may not bother with this part of the membership if people are not
using the discounts.

If I do not hear from you by Jan. 30, I will assume you do not use
your discount.

We are also looking into a Yoga retreat to Alexander, Ont. June 18-21
Mon.-Thursday. The quilters have gone to this faculity and enjoyed the
low cost and food. Our retreat would be 3 nights and we would do yoga
one or two sessions per day. We would also have a meditation time and
free time.
Let me know if you are interested in this. ASAP! We would need
aproximately 20 girls to get this facility. I understand it would not
cost much more than $200.00 for everything food, yoga and lodging and
taxes& tip.
An excellent deal for three nights with yoga (taught by Muriel) and
the food is very good.

Fitfully Yours,

PS Please let me know if you are attending Feb. 19th's meeting before Feb.11th.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Feb 19 meeting

or Hello Girls,

Our next Feel Fit meeting will be Sun. Feb. 19th at the Cafe (12:30pm)
Please note the change as it was originally booked for Feb. 12th.
We have Josee Graveline, a turbo jam and boot camp fitness trainer
speaking to us on the program she offers at the Sttudio 332.
Keep working on your goals and enjoy this balmy weather!
Thanks to the girls who came for the Day of Yoga, Lunch, and a Facial!
We had a great time and they left looking radiant!
The curling is going on and we still have room for more members to
help put in a second team for the Community bonspiel.
Don't forget the Ski Pontiac and Bristol Carnival activities on Feb 11
and 12. Look for postures for more info or call Connie.

Keep on keeping on!
Stay healthy and feel fit!

Fitfully Yours,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

this Sunday with Zumba Fitness

How has everybody's new been so far?

Picture where you want to be in 2013 (this time next year) and set up a plan and have good intentions.
You will be surprised at how well this works.
Even if you stray from your plan you always come back to it at some point because you had good intentions!
Don't forget to join us this Sunday with Zumba fitness.

As you are aware Dr Isabelle lost her home to a fire couple days ago. We are going to collect donations on Sunday at the "Feel Fit" meeting. If you would like to donate please drop of your donation to a member who is attending the meeting or come to the Cafe at 12:30 on Sunday and drop it off.
Thank you and let us send Isabelle our care and concern.

Hope to see you all on Sunday!