Free Event Sponsor by ```Feel Fit`` with assistance from New Horizon`s Canada
Where: Chez Kim Calumet Island
When: Oct 2nd. 10:00-11:00 social hour
11:00-12:00 brunch
12:00-1:00 speaker Dr. Isabelle Gagnon and other gues
Successful bracelet incentive members will be awarded their `F`s`
You too can become a bracelet member.
Please contact me if you plan to attend.
Thanks to those who have already responded.
We need to know numbers for the restaurant.
Men and non members are most welcome.
We also are pleased to welcome Eleanor, a keen yoga practioner and organic gardener, to our group.
Good luck in your meditation and remember there is energy in group thought. So at 9:00 every evening take a moment to collect your thoughts and send out good positive ennergy.